"Sometimes endings are just opportunities." ~~Monica, The Heart of the Matter

"Wherever you go, God is already there." ~~Monica, Sympathy for the Devil

"Let God help you make it work this time. He is the difference between trying and doing. And He is right here waiting to give you the strength you need to turn your life around. He wants so much for you to stand tall in the presence of the miracle He has given you." ~~Monica

"God can use you, right now, where you are, if you will let Him." ~~Monica, Unidentified Female

"God loves you, and His love is what gives you the strength to go on to face your failures and your successes." ~~Lost and Found (WAS)

"Just keep your heart and your eyes open and God will show you exactly what to do." ~~???

"When we share our dreams with God, He won't laugh. As a matter of fact, God will take our dreams more seriously than we do, because He knows no compromise. He doesn't deal in pieces of happiness and shadows of dreams. He will ask more of us then we ask of ourselves, but He will return more to us than we could ever hope or imagine ourselves." ~~Rafael, Nothing but Net

“You go ahead and you dream!  You dream as big as you can and then you hand it to Someone who really cares about what you’re doing.” ~~Rafael, Nothing but Net

"Hang in there. There may be hard times ahead. But you're gonna get through them, and He'll be with you all the way." ~~Tess

"I did what I always do when I have a problem and no answers. I went into my room, closed the door, turned off the lights and asked the Almighty for guidance." ~~Erasmus, Joe's Return, Part II

"I don't understand human beings sometimes. It seems that not matter how many times their ancestors tripped and fell in the past some people will have to go down the same road and fall all over again." ~~Monica

"When you've seen the truth, Max, and you realize that life doesn't just begin with birth and end with death, suddenly everything matters, every act, every choice." ~~Monica

"Don't lose yourself!" ~~Andrew, How Do You Spell Faith?

"You're on a journey that really no one else can take for you but there is Someone who can help." ~~Andrew, Seek and Ye Shall Find

"You were born for a reason. Now, that reason may not be very clear to you today. It may not be very clear to you tomorrow but your Creator, the God who put you here, He knows why." ~~Andrew, Til Death Do Us Part

"Here's how it works. When you love somebody, you need somebody. See? And when you need them, that makes you weak. But knowing you're weak… that's what makes you strong. Get it?" ~~Fluffy, Mother's Day

"I think the smartest thing in the world is to ask for advice before you need it." ~~Monica

"God has something to say to you. And when He has something to say, He doesn't hide His message behind a door. He's not ashamed of the words He has to say. He can write them in the sky, He can write them in your heart, or He can send His angel to speak them right out loud. You've been too afraid to believe in anything good in this world. He loves you. God loves you." ~~Monica, Stealing Hope

"Who you are is not your name or your family. Who you are is more essential than that; it comes from God. And what you make of yourself, that is what you give back to God." ~~Monica, Manny

“No is one of my favorite words… ‘No’ can be one of the most positive words in the world.  ‘No, I have not surrendered.’  ‘No, I will not give up…’  No, you have not failed.  Yes, God is very proud of you.” ~~Monica, Jones Vs. God

"How can you judge something fairly when you don't know what the rules are? You can't play God because you AREN'T God." ~~Monica, Interview With An Angel

"That's right; it was *almost* perfect. Perfect is perfect, always, everyday. Humans can't be that." ~~Monica, Perfect Little Angel

"Life is a mystery that we can only understand in part because we live on only one side of the mirror. It's not until life is over and the mirror is taken away that it all becomes clear. But right now you must accept the blessings that you can understand and rejoice in them." ~~Monica, Millennium

"Sometimes you have to lose your life before you can find it." ~~ Monica, Redeeming Love

"No matter what happens, never forget who you are.  Never." ~~ Sam, Jacob's Ladder

"Nobody's promised tomorrow.  So don't pass up the opportunity to tell somebody how you feel about em." ~~Andrew, Manhunt

"Believing in angels but seeing none, he borrowed their wings instead and went out to meet his saving grace at the end of the road." ~~ Claire's note to Russell in Promised Land

"You've got to know where you're coming from in order to understand where you're going." ~~ Tess, Forget Me Not

"I wouldn't blame God for the things that I didn't get, I would thank God for the things that I have." ~~Phil, Inherit the Wind

"The shining moment between past and future is what now is." ~~Monica, A Delicate Balance

“You are the future of the world and your sun is just rising.” ~~ Rafael, Nothing but Net

“Your life is a gift from God.” ~~Monica, The Pact

“God has a plan for your life.  There is a reason for you to be living.” ~~Andrew, The Pact

“Sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination.” ~~Tess, Sandcastles

"In God's eyes you're a star.  We all are." ~~Tess, The Comeback

"God made you.  You're His child and all He ever wanted for you is the best that He could give, not that the world could give." ~~Tess, Deconstructing Harry

"Every worthwhile search starts with God.  Cause whatever you're looking for, and wherever it is, God is already there." ~~Tess, Doodlebugs

"A child who never hears no, never learns to say no." ~~Tess, Redeeming Love

"You're looking for clues about who you are.  Find out who God is first.  He made you.  He knows who you are." ~~Andrew, Seek and Ye Shall Find

"Give up your dreams, it's a short walk to disappointment." ~~Tess, The Last Dance

"No one has the right to ask you to compromise who you are for the sake of old times.  You can't sacrifice yourself at the altar of good memories." ~~Monica, What Are Friends For?

"Life is beautiful and people are good and trusting and worthy of respect." ~~Monica, On Edge

"God speaks to every human spirit that inclines to His voice."  ~~Monica, Into the Fire

"God never promised you it would be easy but He did promise you it would be worth it." ~~Tess, The Letter

"God's gift to you can be your gift back to Him." ~~Monica, The Letter

"God has great plans for you.  I know that because He never forgets any of His children." ~~Tess, The Christmas Gift

"He will always give you the strength you need to survive and to find your way." ~~Andrew, A House Divided

"A simple decision could change a life forever." ~~Monica, Here I Am

"Whether life is long or whether life is short, you never know what's gonna come next." ~~Andrew, Here I Am

"Time...  People handle time so differently.  The smart ones make every minute count." ~~Tess, Quality Time

"Fallen angels always have something to learn before they can get up." ~~Tess, Monica's Bad Day

"God wants you to choose life and then to live to testify that ya did."  ~~Monica, God Bless the Child

"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, ya know.  Fear being a healthy respect for, not terror of, God." ~~Monica, Reasonable Doubt 

"Time can be a lot more valuable than money." ~~Monica, Reasonable Doubt

"Make every minute count." ~~Andrew, Thief of Hearts

"God has sent me here to tell you that He loves you so much...  But he wants you to stop trying to become what you think you need to be." ~~Monica, Winners, Losers, and Leftovers

"God never stopped believing in you." ~~Monica, The Penalty Box

"When God heals something, He doesn't just patch it up.  He makes it stronger than it was before." ~~Tess, Shallow Water II

"In the hearts of His people and in your heart... that is where God will come to rest if you will make a place for Him.  That is where you will find peace." ~~Micah, Holy of Holies

"People really face death the same way that they faced life.  For some that means a lot of fear, a lot of anger.  And they'll curse God with their last, dying breath rather than just accept His mercy.  And for them their final journey is not so good.  But... for the ones who make peace, you know, to watch their bravery and their strength, their faith... it humbles me.  And it inspires me, I think, to be a better angel." ~~Andrew, The Birthday Present

"There are angels everywhere... whispering guidance, offering direction." ~~Monica, Manhunt

"As long as there is breath in your body, even if it's with your last words, it's not too late.  Make peace with your mother.  Make peace with God." ~~Monica, Famous Last Words

"What if God was depressed?  What if He turned His back on His children every time things didn't go the way He wanted them to?" ~~Tess, Heaven's Portal

"No one knows how many days or hours they have left in this life.  Use the hours that you have." ~~Monica, The Last Chapter

"God still has great plans for your life." ~~Andrew, The Blue Angel

"You know, healing only begins once you've cleared away everything that's diseased and damaged." ~~Andrew, Secrets and Lies

"Today is 'some day.'" ~~Tess, Hello, I Love You

"Everybody's dream gets stepped on sometime or another.  Why didn't you fight for your dream?" ~~Tess, The Impossible Dream

"God gave you many gifts because He loves you.  And He wants to share beauty and joy and music with you." ~~Tess, The Impossible Dream

"God created you to live in the real world.  That's where He wants you to be.  Not here." ~~Andrew, Forever Young

"Wisdom is only intelligence plus experience." ~~Monica, Two Sides to Every Angel

"There is no magic pill to solve all your problems." ~~Tess, The Word

"You can lose the most precious things in the world and not even know they're gone." ~~Tess, Remembering Me, Part I

"Live in hope." ~~Joshua,
The Christmas Watch

"Every cell in our body changes all the time.  Everything changes every day whether we like it or not.  Might as well enjoy the ride." ~~Joshua,
The Christmas Watch

"Change is inevitable.  Change is continuous.  Time stops for no man." ~~Monica,
The Christmas Watch

"You tried to work out your own plan rather than letting God work His plan through you.  And God's plan is always better!  You're standing in the valley, looking for the way, and God is sitting above the mountain and He sees the best and the only way up." ~~Monica, Private Eyes

"God Himself is light.  He's the light of all the world and He's inside of you.  He wants you to know you will never have to work alone again." ~~Monica, Private Eyes

"There is a reason you are here.  I don't know what it is yet but I do know that it's important that you stay until it all becomes clear." ~~Gloria,
The Root of All Evil

"Every moment on this earth is precious, baby.  But some human beings never learn that.  For those who do, life is a miracle." ~~Tess,
A Time for Every Purpose

"We can accept evil or we can fight it." ~~Monica, As It Is In Heaven

"Don't be so anxious to grow up.  The day will come when you'll be happy to be Daddy's Little Girl." ~~Tess, A Song for My Father

"Money isn't the answer to everything." ~~Andrew, The Good Earth

"Ya know, there comes a time in everybody's life when ya have to decide what's most important... and it usually isn't money." ~~Andrew, The Good Earth

"I met a lot of people at the end of their life.  You know what they want?  They want to know that their life mattered." ~~Andrew, The Good Earth

"God wants you to know that he finds you interesting every moment of your life." ~~Tess, The Show Must Not Go On

"God wants you to know that he wants you to become stronger than any character you've ever played." ~~Andrew, The Show Must Not Go On

"You cannot hide from God." ~~Monica, Vengeance is Mine (aka Saving Grace) Part I

"People stop listening to God.  They figure they can decide what's right and wrong for themselves and it leads to a whole lot of trouble!" ~~Tess, Vengeance is Mine (aka Saving Grace) Part II

"God's judgment and man's judgment are different." ~~Tess, Vengeance is Mine (aka Saving Grace) Part II

"Just one decision changes everything." ~~Monica, Only Connect

"There's a big difference between listening and hearing." ~~Monica,
Lady of the Lake

"A heart can change in an instant and each heart must be given that chance." ~~Sam, Beautiful Dreamer

"You just hold onto that 'someday,' it could turn into today before ya know it!" ~~Tess,
I Do

"Just be yourself.  He knows you're not perfect.  He made you." ~~Monica,
I Do

"Parents are God's gift but they're not a replacement for God.  God will never die.  He'll never leave you alone.  He is life itself and He will never grow old." ~~Monica,
The Wind Beneath My Wings

"You can do anything if you set your mind to it." ~~Andrew, On Edge

"I'd rather listen to my conscience  It's usually a lot more reliable." ~~Andrew, On Edge

"There's more to life than money." ~~Monica, On Edge

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