"I haven't come to bring you pity. I am a reflection of God's love, and so are you. God doesn't make mistakes, but you did. You chose to believe what mirrors tell you and what the eyes of others reflect instead of finding who you really are from the One who made you. You were made in God's image. It's true! When you are patient, when you are kind, when you turn your back on anger, you reflect the character of the One who made you. The One who called you to be a man after His own heart. A good father, a kind soul, a messenger of great joy and laughter. Yes, God laughs. You should know better than most the healing that laughter can bring to this world. ~~Monica, A Clown's Prayer

"Your first lesson: The happiness we share with others doesn't start with us. We're just passing it on." ~~Leroy, A Clown's Prayer

"God is not the author of confusion. He likes to write happy endings." ~~Tess, Til We Meet Again

"Lord, Help me to create more laughter than tears, more happiness than gloom, more cheer than despair. Never let me fail to see the wonder in a child's eyes. Never let me forget that I am a clown." ~~Clown's Prayer featured in A Clown's Prayer

"He never said make a beautiful noise unto the Lord.  He said make a joyful noise." ~~Clara, A Joyful Noise

"All He asks is for your joy so that He may live with in it.  C'mon, celebrate this day with him!" ~~Clara, A Joyful Noise

"God isn't a stranger.  He's the best friend you ever had." ~~Tess, Full Moon

"You're on a great journey, one that'll bring you much joy.  Some sorrow, some frustration, may be a headache, some lower back pain but... mostly joy." ~~Ruth, Inherit the Wind

"Look at the good things in life.  Look around you!  You've got the sunset, you got babies, you got the three day weekend!" ~~Phil, Inherit the Wind

“God has a very good sense of humor.”  ~~ Monica, Sandcastles

"Behind every comic is a sensitive soul." ~~Tess, Cry and You Cry Alone

"God holds a special place for those who provide the gift of laughter." ~~Monica, Cry and You Cry Alone

"God loves you and He wants you to be still so you can see the glorious things that He has made, so you can enjoy the laughter of a child, so you can hear the music of the universe, so you can hold hands with someone you love... that's what beauty is for." ~~Monica,
Lady of the Lake

"It's amazing what peace can do to people's spirits." ~~Andrew,
Beautiful Dreamer

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