"When you cry, God cries with you. But He can't wipe your tears unless you let Him." ~~Monica, An Unexpected Snow

"You've already been through the darkest place you can imagine. It's time to start looking for the stars" ~~Monica, Fear Not!

"You must be strong now. You must never give up. And when people make you cry, baby, and you're afraid of the dark, don't forget the light is always there." ~~Tess, In the Name of God

"God can take the saddest things and turn them into something beautiful." ~~ Monica, Til We Meet Again

"Grieving is a very necessary process." ~~Andrew
, The Empty Chair

"I don't believe you can carry on until you have stopped to cry." ~~Monica

"God will never abandon you. He will never leave you or forsake you.  That's the difference between God and people.  People... sometimes they let you down but God never will because He loves you perfectly, unconditionally." ~~Andrew, How Do You Spell Faith?

"You know something... I've been an angel for a long, long time.  And ya know what amazes me about people?  It's not that a few of you can't go on.  It's that almost every one of you does despite this tough business of living.  Ya get up every morning and ya start over again because there's this little voice inside of you that says 'hope.'  And most of you still listen to it.  And the ones who don't... we have to release and return to the hands of the Father where hope lives forever." ~~Andrew, Til Death Do Us Part

"It's okay to admit that you're human and that you're weak. Remember that's what makes you strong." ~~Liz, Mother's Day

"You put up a wall to block out your pain and your fear. But a wall works two ways. Yes, it keeps things in, but it also keeps things out; like joy, trust, hope." ~~Monica, Stealing Hope

"Why do you think God put these things in your heart to say? He wants you to deal with your pain; He wants you to write it down; He wants you to let it go." ~~Monica, Stealing Hope

"You just want to stop the pain. But this is not how you do it; you don't let go-- you hold on!" ~~Monica, Monica's Bad Day

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, because the world *is* a beautiful place, and there are good and kind people in it. You just forgot that today. You forgot because something got in the way of the goodness and the kindness that could have kept you going." ~~Monica, Monica's Bad Day

"So you see, what was lost *can* be found." ~~Andrew, Monica's Bad Day

"Don't let your heart break--let it change!" ~~Tess, Sins of the Father

"Anyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would understand if you gave up; that's true strength." ~~Flesh and Blood (WAS)

"One of the biggest mistakes we can make is to start grieving over things that haven't even happened yet." ~~Birthmarks (WAS)

"Sometimes people hurt each other and they don't mean to. But all it takes is putting your pride away long enough to talk about it." ~~Monica, The Perfect Game

"It's good to cry sometimes. It's like giving your soul a sort of a shower." ~~Monica, The Perfect Game

"Sometimes you come through the darkness back into the sunlight, and sometimes you come through the darkness into light itself." ~~Celine Dion, Psalm 151

Monica: Sometimes the end is just the beginning.
Tess: The end usually *is* just the beginning.
(from Unidentified Female)

"It hurts so awfully bad when a beautiful soul is taken away from us.  But it's never really taken away." ~~Tess, Unidentified Female

"Realize that [your loved one] is never too far away.  A part of them will live in you for all time.  And there's a part of you inside them... right now... today." ~~Tess, Flesh and Blood

"Grief is a powerful thing.  It's a good thing, a healing thing.  It's a way to let go of a lot of pain.  But it's something to go through, not hold on to." ~~ Tess, Rock 'N Roll Dad

"God loves us.  I know that now.  If you can't hold onto Him, ask Him to hold onto you." ~~ James, Into the Light

"Where is God?  He's right here.  Where He's always been!" ~~Tess, The Sky is Falling

"It's hard to be someone you're not.  Especially when you can't see how beautiful you all ready are!" ~ Tess, Smokescreen

"God has not left you alone in this and He doesn't want you judging yourself or anybody else.  He wants you to do what you've been doing... be His child, let him comfort you.  No body can comfort you better than He can right now." ~~ Tess, Crisis of Faith

"Nothing's ever really lost!" ~~ Monica, Angel of Death

Monica: Every time one of His children gets hurt, every time one of His children is sad, or every time one of His children turns their back on Him-- God suffers, too.
Nathaniel: Why does He let that stuff happen?
Monica: Because He loves us so much He gives us freedom.
(from Amazing Grace, Part II)

"No one is ever with out an angel when they need one most." ~~Monica, Amazing Grace, Part II

"Once you give up... you start to die." ~~Andrew, Last Call

"I found myself believing the headlines in the newspaper believing, like you, that there was nothing ahead for the world but pain and sadness and disappointment...  Yes, there's pain and sadness here but there's also dreams.  Dreams that you're afraid to dream, lives that you're afraid to hope for, prayers that you're afraid to pray and it all seems too late but it's not.  God loves you!" ~~Monica, Last Call

"When we've lost hope, when our hearts are hard and hopeless, God can soften them and fill them with hope once more." ~~Monica, Last Call

"You're not alone.  God is here and the fastest car in the world can't outrun Him and the toughest heart in the world can't ignore Him because wherever you go God will be there ahead of you, waiting for you with a miracle." ~~Monica, At Risk

"God doesn't cause pain, God heals!  God doesn't hate, God loves!  God doesn't want to see bad things happen but... they just happen." ~~Phil, Inherit the Wind

“God suffers the pain of His children but even in pain there is growth.” ~~Monica, Sandcastles

"Nothing's ever lost... not really." ~~Tess, Charades

"It has to get really dark before you can see the stars." ~~Monica, It Came Upon a Midnight Clear

"When His children hurt, God weeps.  It breaks His heart.  And if God can show His emotions that way, why can't you?" ~~Monica
, Cry and You Cry Alone

"God knows how to take the pain of His children and turn them into blessings." ~~Tess, The Last Dance

"I know that your heart is broken but God will mend it if you trust Him with it now."
~~Monica, The Spirit of Liberty Moon

"God loves all His children and when they suffer He weeps." ~~Monica, Miles to Go Before I Sleep

"God loves you...  He knows what you're going through.  He watches you going through it alone when you don't have to.  He's the restorer of souls: a husband to the widow, a father to the fatherless.  He can be your peace and joy right now if only you let Him." ~~Monica, Vengeance is Mine (aka Saving Grace) Part I

"The heart that He made for you is precious and He doesn't want to see it get broken." ~~Monica, What Are Friends For?

"You sacrifice to God your broken spirit and your broken heart.  That is all He wants you to give Him: everything that hurts and then let Him restore you." ~~Andrew, I Do

"There were angels with her when she was born, as she lived, when she died.  There are even angels with her now."
~~Monica, The Medium and the Message

Andrew: In the midst of death we are in life.
Monica: Of whom shall we seek for succour?
Tess: Only Thee, O Lord, only Thee.
~~from The Anatomy Lesson, adapted from the Book of Common Prayer

"God loves you and He wants you to live." ~~Andrew, Til Death Do Us Part

"God is extending His hand to you, to help you find the courage and the strength to carry on, to survive this moment and then you move onto the next one." ~~Andrew, Til Death Do Us Part

"Nothing is forever gone from God." ~~Tess, The Christmas Gift

"God knows you feel pain." ~~Andrew, Restoration

"Sometimes pain is important, too important to ignore." ~~Monica, God Bless the Child

"It takes a lot of courage to carry on when life is hard."
~~Monica, God Bless the Child

"It's hard to believe in anything when your heart has been so deeply damaged.  God understands that." ~~Monica, The Grudge

"I believe that all things, even something terrible like what has happened [to Jamal] can be turned into something for good when people who love God ask Him to change their circumstances." ~~Monica, Death in the Family 

"Saying good bye begins the healing because saying good bye makes it real." ~~Monica, I Am An Angel

"You see, God is really good at shining light in dark places." ~~Ronald, Band of Angels

"He sees the ache in your heart." ~~Monica, The Face of God

"I've seen all sorts of things happen for no good reason whatsoever but I've also seen God take things like that and use them to create opportunities that you could never imagine." ~~Monica, Shallow Water II

"I am an angel... A messenger from God: the one true God who is love, who created love and who loves you so much that even in the midst of tragedy, He's near you and He wants to comfort you." ~~Monica, Manhunt

"Your mind is sick and your body has followed its direction.  But your spirit... your spirit is safe with God.  There's no need to despair for He has a way to help you." ~~Monica, When Sunny Gets Blue

"There is someone here now who knows that your heart is broken...  It is God and He sent me to tell you that He loves you very much." ~~Monica, A Winter Carol

"You have to get the pain out... all of it... if you're going to heal." ~~Monica, A Winter Carol

"God is strong enough to bear your grief if you'll give it to Him." 
~~Monica, Ship-in-a-Bottle

"God hears you when you call to Him.  And He knows what no one else does.  He knows that you cry here alone at night in this room.  He knows the agonizing pain that you feel." ~Monica, Forever Young

"And He says... I am strength where you are helpless.  I am peace where there is pain.  Let Me wipe away every tear and hold you." ~~Monica, Forever Young

"All sorts of things get broken in this life... Hearts get broken.  Pieces of rock are broken off from distant worlds but you can't worry about the myriad things that can break in the universe.  Just remember that God can heal all of them.  God can heal this world in His time." ~~Monica, A Rock and a Hard Place

"There's a book... the Book of Life.  And God has written your name in that Book.  He has a plan for you.  He chose the moment of your birth.  He's chosen the moment of your death.  And if you take that out of His hands then you're gonna miss the life that He wanted to give you." ~~Andrew, Jump!

"Sometimes letting go is the hardest thing to do." ~~Tess, Remembering Me, Part I

"All we need to know now is that this, too, shall pass.  Perhaps not tomorrow.  Perhaps not for a thousand years but God will take the weaknesses of this world and use them to make us stronger." ~~Sam, Remembering Me, Part I

"Even if we have lost those that we love, we can mourn them but we must never turn away from them.  We must never let the pain become so great that we lose our memories, too." ~~Monica, Remembering Me, Part I

"You don't get over it, you just get on with it." ~~George, Inherit the Wind

"The most ordinary day for some people is the most extraordinary day for others.  Broken hearts are healed, broken dreams restored, broken families reunited, and ya never know when your miracle may arrive on the wings of a dove." ~~Andrew, Private Eyes

"Strength comes from all sorts of place.  You just need to know where to look." ~~Monica, A Time for Every Purpose

"When you fall down, the Father wants to pick you up and carry you Home.  And heal you in His own time, in His way." ~~Monica,
A Time for Every Purpose

"Those are very special tears.  God counts every one, ya know." ~~Alex, At the End of the Aisle

"Nobody knows better than an angel that there are no real good byes." ~~Tess, I Will Walk with You, Part I

"You remember the story of Easter?  Death came on Friday, life on Sunday, but there was a long, very hard day in between." ~~Monica, I Will Walk with You, Part I

"Tradition is something you hold onto during the bad times until the good times come back." ~~Michelle,
The Peacemaker

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