"What God wants is to work wonderful things in you life, but there's a lie in His way. God is truth and anything that is not truth is not of Him. He wants to help you a lot more than twenty five thousand dollars and a new car, but you have to get the lies out of His way first, honey." ~~Tess, Perfect Little Angel

“God is truth, but He is also love. And unless you tell the truth in love, it's not the whole truth.” ~~Monica, The Whole Truth And Nothing But

"Lying is never the answer. You can only juggle the truth for so long." ~~Andrew, A Clown's Prayer

"You can tell a lie, you can live a lie, but you can't pray a lie. And He knows that's why you can't bring yourself to talk to Him. So He has brought Himself to you." ~~Monica, True Confessions

"He gave you the gift of truth. And when it comes to that, baby, you got perfect pitch!" ~~Tess, Voice of an Angel

"Happy New Year and happy all the years now that you can live in truth! Listen to me. God Himself, the one who holds all time in His hands wants you to know that your years of asking why are over." ~~Monica, Millennium

"For now that you know the truth you mustn't be afraid of love anymore.” ~~Monica, Millennium

"To every generation the truth is born anew and with it comes the promise of peace.  This is your time.  This is your chance." ~~Monica, Life Before Death

"You have faith in the source of truth and He'll show you the way home." ~~Andrew, Seek and Ye Shall Find

"The truth will set you free.  The truth will set everybody free.  But that doesn't mean it's gonna fall right into your lap.  You gotta go find it first." ~~Tess, Flesh and Blood

"When we ignore the truth, we ignore God, because God is truth.  And what isn't true, He doesn't want any part of.  He can't.  It's just not who He is." ~~Monica, Groudrush

"Our job is love.  And truth is our stock and trade." ~~Sam, Groundrush

"God has a message for you, baby.  He wants you to know that He loves you, that only He can fill that emptiness inside.  You just gotta let His truth in." ~~Tess, Smokescreen

"You can't truly live until you live in truth." ~~Monica, Missing in Action

"If you face the truth and fight the fight then you will have a victory that may be called triumphant and you will have peace that may be called lasting." ~~Monica, Missing in Action

"The truth can change a lot of things." ~~Taylor, An Angel By Any Other Name

"There is power in truth.  You have the same power.  Ask God to help you find the truth." ~~Taylor, An Angel By Any Other Name

"Hiding a problem doesn't make it go away." ~~Monica, The Trigger

"Father, here we are.  We're looking for truth.  We're looking for peace.  We need Your mercy right now and we need Your wisdom.  We're filled with questions, only You have all the answers." ~~Monica, The Trigger

"Sometimes the most painful words are those that are not spoken." ~~Monica, Cry and You Cry Alone

"Angels don't bring confusion.  We bring the truth." ~~Tess, The Peacemaker

"Live your life in truth." ~~Monica, My Brother's Keeper

"It's crazy to live with out truth for truth is where hope lives." ~~Monica, The Anatomy Lesson

"God is truth.  He doesn't compromise." ~~Monica, For Such a Time as This

"There's more to the truth than just the facts." ~~Tess, The Whole Truth and Nothing But...

"No one finds real peace through a lie." ~~Monica, I Am An Angel

"Yes, people will be hurt for a while by the truth.  But they'll be damaged forever by a lie." ~~Monica, Visions of Thy Father

"The truth is coming, baby.  You've got to learn to wait and learn to listen." ~~Tess, Shallow Water I

"Once you know the truth, you become responsible for it." ~~Monica, Chutzpah

"The truth can be painful but it doesn't cause nearly the damage a lie does." ~~Tess, Secrets and Lies

"Listen to the still, small voice in your spirit." ~~Monica, Secrets and Lies

"The truth can change everything." ~~Monica, A Feather on the Breath of God

"Sometimes the most grown-up thing you can do is tell a friend the truth even if it means giving up something that matters to you." ~~Gloria, At the End of the Aisle

"In the beginning was the Word.'  Words started everything!" ~~Monica,
The Man Upstairs

"Words have meaning.  You say them and you give them life." ~~Monica, The Man Upstairs

"Everyone has to face the truth head on eventually."  ~~Monica, Jagged Edges
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