Hello! My name is Jenni and this is my web page!  (It would be alarming if it was anyone else's...)  I started this page many moons ago just as a place to share my interests.  This was long before Facebook and those other sites came into being.  I still do that... when I can.  The truth is I'm now involved with other web sites that take up most of my time not otherwise devoted to my dog, my house, my job, my family, my friends, crafting, etc.

My tenure as JABB co-founder, co-writer, web mistress, etc. continues.  I don't see that ending anytime soon.  (Hi, JABBers!)  In fact, I seem to be devoting increasingly more time to JABB and especially to writing stories for it.  Sadly, it's come at the expense of this page.  Nonetheless, I continue to hope for the day when I'll have the time and energy to keep both up.

Otherwise...  I'm still here!  Just a bit scarce on this page.  As always, if you have any comments or find any errors on this page please email me.  I hope you enjoy your visit!  Thanks for stopping by!  (7-7-15)


 My One Thing 

  Touched by an Angel

    John/Andrew Bucket Brigade Info
  Beauty and the Beast   Godspell: My Lil Tribute   Web Backgrounds

Poems and Stories

  Prayers and Passages
My Survey Section
  The Perfect Man List My Irish Page

Things to Think About...

Cool Links

Cool Quotes

  Book Recommendations 

  Favorite CDs


Since August 14, 2002

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